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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareGuitare seuleSuite no 1, BWV 1007

Suite no 1, BWV 1007

Suite no 1, BWV 1007

Compositeur: BACH J.S.

Arrangeur: ZOHN Andrew

DZ 1030


ISBN: 978-2-89500-916-0

Guitare seule

12 p.


The six suites written by Bach for unaccompanied cello are almost universally acclaimed as being amongst the greatest works ever written for the instrument. In my experience, most guitarists somewhere along their line of development tackle one of these suites, and usually it is the first suite; usually the arrangement is in D major (from the original one in G major) which works wonderfully well on the guitar.

Andrew Zohn has chosen to publish his arrangement of this work in C major, which, it has to be said, falls under the fingers quite nicely and in fact makes it less of a demand on the technique from the more common key of D. Of course, just because most other guitarists perform this work in D major does not necessarily mean that this is the best key; it is up to each individual to judge for themselves.
Presentation is up to the usual d'Oz standard, that is, very well printed, easy-to-read music.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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