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ProduitsPartitions pour guitare4 guitaresPetite sérénade rétro

Petite sérénade rétro

Petite sérénade rétro

Compositeur: MARIE Dominique

DZ 292


ISBN: 2-89500-177-4

4 guitares

6 p. + parties séparées


Petite Serenade Retro is a charming little piece with a naturally elegant air about it. There is no information regarding the composer or the piece itself so I presume it is an original work although it is written in a style which suggests an old folk tune. Throughout its duration the work keeps up a slow, stately pace in G major with a brief excursion into G minor mid-way through. Guitars 1, 2 and 3 get the lion's share of melodic and harmonic interest whilst guitar 4 has a fairly monotonous (but essential) bassline. This makes the piece ideally suited to quartets where one member is perhaps less experienced than the other players. I really liked this piece from the first play-through and hope any amateur quartets might give it a try. There is a full score and separate parts for each player. (Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar, 12/2000)

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