(version sans CD aussi disponible - DZ 1045) Pour faire suite à la série Répertoire progressif vol. 1 à 6 (DZ 101 à 106), les Productions d'OZ proposent cette toute nouvelle série intitulée La guitare dans tous ses états. Si la formule par niveau est conservée, le répertoire en est cette fois entièrement original et spécialement choisi par les compositeurs eux-mêmes. Des exclusivités d'OZ puisées dans des éditions antérieures côtoient ici d'agréables nouveautés. Le catalogue d'OZ regorge de petits trésors écrits pour tous les niveaux par des guitaristes, compositeurs et professeurs totalement dédiés à la cause de la guitare classique. Le titre de la série suggère un portrait optimiste de la pratique de l'instrument dans plusieurs régions du globe et l'étendue de la «famille» de compositeurs qui publient régulièrement chez d'OZ. Ce métissage de genres et de régions colore à l'occasion les pièces d'éléments nationaux qui les distinguent merveilleusement. C'est avec une entière ouverture d'esprit que je me suis engagé dans cet ambitieux projet d'enregistrement des six volumes. J'ai été charmé par le talent de mélodiste des compositeurs et l'efficacité avec laquelle ils exploitent les diverses techniques de la guitare tout en offrant aux étudiants un répertoire nouveau et intéressant. Je souhaite humblement que les enregistrements qui accompagnent les livres avec CD puissent inspirer quelques unes de vos interprétations. David Jacques, 2007 These are the first and fifth volumes in a six volume series. The books are comprised of both new and original compositions and works, which have been previously published by d'OZ. There is a long list of international composers represented and the variety of the musical styles is agreeably wide. What is of a type, is the quality of the music with which we are presented. From charming two- line compositions, to more extended works, the scope for musical expression and development is terrific. I must just say that as weIl as being useful for the student this music is very attractive to play. Sufficient to say that I have started to use these volumes with a number of my pupils. Having used volume one with students I have to admit to ordering volume two, as a number of youngsters wanted something beyond book one. Whilst volume two has not been presented for review, it cannot hurt to say that this is of the same excellent quality as the two volumes under review here. The first volume, which contains 40 separate pieces, can be approached by a student who is looking to extend their musical experience beyond a Prep Test or Grade One and the final volume takes you well above Grade Five. Volume 5 comprises eighteen pieces which look at differing sonorities, melodic playing within a two or three part harmonie scheme, to music which will extend the students rhythmic horizon. To define what I think is important in these volumes from this series, is to say that each piece, gives consistent musical shape and form, within which the student can develop his or her individual musicianship. Whether one is trying to understand how phrasing works, or melodic lines developed, or how melodies and accompanying figures should be focused, then this and much more, are to found throughout these volumes. What a great achievement, a set of contemporary pieces, mostly written by guitarists, and of such quality that they serve to advance not only a technical improvement, but that the technique is learnt through the musical needs of the piece. I had to order extra copies from Canada; I hope that this set will quickly be available through a national distributor. Well-done d'Oz. (John Arran, Classical Guitar Magazine)