16 p. + parties séparées Les Éditions Doberman-Yppan
Danza ritual del Fuego, Danza del molinero, El circulo magico Anyone who has experienced a concert or recording by the Gruber-Maklar Duo (Christian Gruber and Peter Maklar) will know the expertise they instill into their performances, a skill they also use to high degree in their arrangements of music for two guitars. Founded in 1985 this pair have become one of the leading international guitar duos for over 20 years and, after a quick glance at their web-site, it appears that through these publishers, some of the standards which the duo have arranged for their performances over this time are now at last to be available. These include works by Scarlatti, Albeniz, Granados and Falla. The three pieces in this edition are favourites with many guitar duos, and have been heard many times in various settings but probably none better than these presented here. The book opens with the attention-grabbing Danza del Molinero, followed by the eerily evocative and beautiful El Circulo Magico and concludes with the frenetic Danza Ritual del Fuego, all three, performed in this order, making an ideal item for recitals/recordings by any advanced guitar duo. In these arrangements the parts are shared on an, equal level with both players getting their fair share of accompaniment and melodic line. The separate parts for each player are sensibly fingered and are well laid out with just one awkward unavoidable page turn in Guitar 1 but at this level, most duos will probably opt for memorising the pieces anyway. Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)
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