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Composer: SCARLATTI D.
DZ 1574
ISBN: 978-2-89655-473-7
Mandolin and bass
40 p. + separated part
Discovered at the library "Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal de Paris" 300 years after it was written, the manuscript entitled "Sonatina per mandoline e cembalo" corresponds to the first movement of the sonata K89 by Domenico Scarlatti. It is clear that Scarlatti intended to use the mandolin for these sonatas with the markings in the score specifying a "figured bass".
These masterpieces are markedly different, in terms of their character and their form, from Scarlatti's classical sonatas for solo harpsichord. They show off the richness of the mandolin to its full: light, expressive, voluble and masterful.
The pieces also reveal the Italian School's interest in this small instrument during the 18th century; which descended from the lute and was also readily adopted by the European aristocracy.