This is a fun piece but it won't come easy to those guitarists who take the word «classical« rather too literally. There is a neat set of interlocking rhythms that need to be felt rather than just read, and as the piece progresses each part is called up to produce many different rhythm patterns, often complementing, rather than supplementing, those in the other parts. There is an interlude where two parts clap together, in between which the other two parts interweave some motifs and guitar-based percussion - all very compelling and thoroughly enjoyable. The writing is confident with key changes and stylist variations, but all the while there is a rich palette of rhythm patterns used to glorious and colourful effect. This is guitar music alive with passion, with fire and with fun, I'm not sure that a few dry words can convey the joie de vivre in this piece, but I had a thoroughly enjoyable hour trying out the parts. Each is well shaped to fit the guitar and a pleasure to read and play. The piece needs a strong and confident team to lock it all together, and those below Grade 8 would find the pace tough and lack the relaxed confidence to make this piece the stylish success it so surely deserves to be, I like it (but you've guessed that already!). Derek Hasted (Classical Guitar Magazine)
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