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ProductsOther ProductsCDs and DVDs4XSOLO4XDUO

  • DZ3693 track 1 Toccata a due

  • DZ3693 track 19 Allegro Brilliante

  • DZ3693 track 20 Huxi (decicated to all Covid-19 victims)

  • DZ3693 track 22 Sofie's Dream

  • DZ3693 track 23 Petit Rondeau d'Alamanda


Composer: KRUISBRINK Annette

DZ 3693


ISBN: 978-2-89795-610-3

Compacts disc and DVDs


This excellent CD contains new exiting music composed by Annette Kruisbrink. Four solo pieces, four duo pieces and a trio. All compositions are also available in sheet music at Les Productions d’OZ.

The most current and socially engaged work on this CD is Hūxī, dedicated to all Covid-19 victims. The sections of the work speak for themselves: commemoration silence, viral test, ventilator, ventilator turned off, monitor check, either healed or in heaven, second wave? The CD starts with is the splashing Toccata a due. With its minimalist character, it sounds like a waterfall evoking a meditative atmosphere. MMXX and MMXX-II are composed in a most ingenious way; the two parts of the solo version are precisely intertwined in the duo version. The 15 Études in modern style with contemporary guitar techniques are indispensable for all guitar students interested in learning to play contemporary music. Allegro Brillante is indeed a brilliant work, using a triangle and percussive effects.

Wayang Style for three guitars (overdubbed on this CD by Annette Kruisbrink) refers to the hoketus style of Indonesian gamelan music.

The CD ends with two solo pieces Sofie’s Dream, in neo-romantic style, and Petit Rondeau d’Alamanda, a rondeau in D major, set in 7/8 beat.

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