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ProductsSheet Music for GuitarSolo GuitarMemory Lanes

Memory Lanes

Memory Lanes

Composer: KUHAR Nejc

DZ 4370


ISBN: 978-2-89852-287-1

Solo Guitar

4 p.


The piece “Memory Lanes” is all about the emotion of Nostalgia. I find this emotion particularly powerful, as, although it carries a touch of melancholy and sadness, it signifies that there was a time in our lives filled with joy and happiness. We should strive to live each moment in such a way that, one day, it will become a nostalgic memory.


I wrote and dedicated this piece to guitarist Jure Cerkovnik. Having known him since my student years, he is not only part of my nostalgic memories of that time, but I believe this piece also captures his playing style and musicality.


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